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Greenhouse opening 29.11.19 6.jpg

Hello Ole Partner...

I was born in 1925 in the village of Bunwell in South Norfolk - I lived there my entire life until October 2018.  In fact, I've hardly ever been out of the county!  Over the years I've worked as a shepherd, the village postman, gravedigger, registered vermin destroyer and handyman.   I've also been Chairman of the village primary school Governors, Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and Chairman of the Parish Council. Gardening became my passion from the tender age of seven when I grew my first veg.  I used to grow prize winning chrysanthemums and veg and sold produce from a roadside stall outside my home in Bunwell Street.    


In October 2018 I moved to Wymondham to live in Robert Kett Court, a sheltered housing complex with care.   I now run a residents’ gardening club at RKC with assistance from my Wymondham town councillor daughter Annette.   You can see us in this photo with the new greenhouse we fundraised for.  With her help I write a regular column for our local online publication: Wymondham Magazine, where some of the stories and gardening tips you read here are also published. 


This Blog has been created by Annette - I'm a little bit too old to learn how to do it myself!  We want to capture memories and stories from my life while we can and we hope you enjoy reading them. 


Let us know what you think.


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